Tuesday, May 19, 2009

baby ears can hear!

Yesterday, Adam had his hearing checked...


that's all... for now.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Rebecca! Just saw the message you left for me! So sorry...I think I'm supposed to get notification via email, bur for some reason I don't. Love your blog! I know you're so excited to be moving back and be near that sweet nephew of yours!

    I've had to feel my way through the blog thing, too. You can add pictures, etc. to the side of your blog by going under "layout". My "header" or whatever you want to call it at the top of my blog was designed through scrapblog.com. I'm such a beginner, I had to just keep working and working to find something I liked. Good luck! It's lots of fun!

    Keep checking back in on us for updates! Brock keeps me on my toes. And don't worry, I'd love to have you babysit sometime!
