Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Peewee update

Adam went in for surgery around 8am today. The surgery was seriously complete in 15 minutes!! The operating room called Caroline & Brian and told them that Adam did wonderful and that they would call them when they could come see him in the recovery room. They went and spent an hour with him in recovery before they brought them back into the room. He was exhausted from everything but still not as fussy as everyone expected. Our little peanut is a real trooper. The sweet nurse brought him some Tylenol around 11 to help the pain. He didn't get any "food" until 12:30! At this point he got 15 cc's (1/2 ounce) of pedialyte!! At 2:30 he got another 15 cc's of pedialyte. (This was almost torcher for the little guy because he's got to be starving. He hasn't eaten since Monday night!! ) At 4:30 he finally got formula but only an ounce!! They increase the amount by 15 every 2/3 hours until he gets up to 2 ounces. Once he can keep 2 oz down, he gets to go home!! The last feeding on this schedule is around 7am. The nurse said she would guess they'll be on their way home tomorrow around lunch time! Keep those prayers a coming!! poor baby has cords literally from head to toe!!

Caroline decided it was easiest to sit inside the crib to take care of her baby. haha- she's still a big baby at heart!!

1 comment:

  1. thank goodness for your blog since nobody calls to update me!
