Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Adam Update

Still as happy as can be!! He is very proud of himself today!!
check it out!!
(he's also ticklish & just cackles if you get him around his neck!!)

In deep thought...

getting ready...

to CRAWL!!
YAY! Adam crawled (forward) today for the first time!! He has been scooting backwards for about a month now but he finally went for it today!! He is also pulling himself up to stand but then wobbles and falls. Oh and he has SIX teeth -- 2 bottom ones and 4 top ones!! The top ones aren't completely in but they have all broken the skin & you can see them. So cute!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hunter's Birthday Party

Today, Caroline, mom, and I took Adam to his first birthday party. His friend from "school", Hunter Power, turned one this week. The party was at Hunter's house in Greenpond. Adam had so much fun and met some new friends!!
(you can see 2 of his 5 teeth!)
Mary Ellis and her friend Maggie at the big girl's table.

Adam and his favorite Auntie


Hunter wasn't so sure about someone messing with his cake...

Adam wasn't so sure about the cake in general...

Present time for Hunter!

Adam meet another cutie... Mary Beth from Columbia

Turns out, she's just as big a flirt as he is...

Taking a ride on the big kids' toy...


Peace Out 2009!

Friday, January 1, 2010


Adam (almost 8 months) & Will (9 months)
@ the Killions' house NYE

Out with the old & in with the new...
I hope that everyone has a happy and heathy 2010!!