Thursday, February 25, 2010

I wanna talk about ME

So I know that a few of you know about the muscle disease that I have, some don't know what it is, and some don't know either of the two. So here goes:

(This all came from the

"Polymyositis (pol-e-mi-o-SI-tis) is an uncommon connective tissue disease. It's a type of inflammatory myopathy, which is characterized by muscle inflammation and weakness. The most noticeable characteristic of polymyositis is weakness of the skeletal muscles, which control movement. It can occur at any age, but it mostly affects adults sometime between their 30's and 50's." (I was diagnosed at 17). "It's more common in blacks than in whites (obviously, I am white.) and women are affected more often than men are. Periods of remission in polymyositis, during which symptoms improve spontaneously, rarely occur. However, treatment can improve your muscle strength and function." (My treatment plan= working out as much as possible and a shot of methotrexate once a week.)

SYMPTOMS: "Signs and symptoms of poylmyositis usually appear gradually, so it may be difficult to pinpoint when they first started." (mine started when I was in high school... I needed help getting into a jacked-up truck and I also had a terrible time climbing bleachers.) "They may also fluctuate from week to week or month to month. Progressive muscle weakness is the most common polymyositis symptom. It typically affects the muscles closest to the trunk, such as those in your hips, thighs, shoulders, upper arms, and neck. The weakness is symmetrical affecting both the left and right sides of your body and tends to gradually worsen. Although the muscle weakness starts subtly, after it progresses over the course of the disease it can make it difficult for you to climb stairs, rise from a seated position, lift objects or reach overhead. Other polymyositis signs and symptoms include: difficulty swallowing, difficulty speaking, mild joint or muscle tenderness (i also have Rheumatoid Arthritis), fatigue, and shortness of breath."

CAUSES: "Polymyositis is in a group of diseases or disorders of the muscles called inflammatory myopathies. The cause of most inflammatory myopathies is unknown. Infections caused by bacteria, parasites or viruses can cause inflammatory myopathies, but in most causes of polymyositis, doctors aren't able to identify proceding infections. Some doctors think certain people may have a genetic susceptibility to the disease. Inflammatory myopathies share many characteristics with autoimmune disorders, in which your immune system attacks normal body components. Normally, your immune system works to protect your healthy cells from attacks by foreign substances, such as bacteria and viruses. If you have polymyositis, an unknown cause may act as a trigger for your immune system to begin producing autoimmune antibodies (auto antibodies) that attack your body's own tissues. Many people with polymyositis show a detectable level of auto antibodies in their blood."

*I hope I didn't bore you but I felt the need to share.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Brandy, Simplified and me @ Wild Wings Cafe, Mt. Pleasant.
St. Patty's Day 2009
(terrible picture, I know)
Simplified is a band that I fell in love with when I lived in Charleston. I heard them a couple of times at the Windjammer and Wild Wings. Their music is great & unique!! I don't even know how to describe their sound... but original. I saw on Greenville's Wild Wings' website that they are coming to the upstate Friday, March 5!! I am so excited to be able to see these guys perform again!! Go check out their website and see for yourself!!

Don't Monkey Around with High Prices

This picture is not very good of Adam but it's very special to our family. My granddaddy started Bargain Bucks in Laurens years ago. My dad and my uncle both worked there until my dad branched out on his own to open Bucks Outdoors. This hat is Frank Barksdales' and it is an original. Frank lived across from my Papa and Lulu and has always been close to the family. Frank put the hat on Adam at Church of the Epiphany's oyster roast.

This is also not a very good picture but it's Adam's first snow... I still can't believe how much snow we got!! It was beautiful!!

Mary, Adam's other Godmother, gave Adam this toy for Christmas. He is finally at the age where he can sit on it by himself. He does fall off of it but he just laughs and gets back on. He loves it!!

Daddy bought Adam his first Citadel baseball hat when we were in Charleston a few weekends ago. Adam wasn't so sure about wearing it but I know he'll be sporting it this summer at the beach!!

Silly baby!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Adam's Well Check

Grammie took Adam to the doctor yesterday for his 9 month well check. (He also has a double ear infection right now... I know I know, just something else to add to the list! )

But here are the latest stats on our little munchin:

Weight: 18 lbs (only doubled since birth) and is in the bottom 10th percentile
Height: off the charts!! (future basketball player??)
Head: 25th percentile
Teeth: SIX

With all of these ear infections, we are scared we may have to face tubes. GASP. No fun!! Go ahead and say it with me, BLESS HIS LITTLE HEART! But he just keeps on smiling and laughing right along!

Silly Post to Make YOU Smile

I got this forward this morning at work and couldn't resist posting it because I seriously was laughing out loud. I wish I could post the picture that went along with it... ummmm maybe later when I'm at home... (shhhh I'm at work)


1. You accidentally enter your password on the microwave
2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years
3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of 3
4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you
5. You reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that theydon't have e-mail addresses
6. You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home to help you carry in the groceries
7. Every commercial on television has a web site at the bottom of the screen
8. Leaving the house without your cell phone, which you didn't have the first 20 or 30 years of your life, is now a cause for panic and you turn around and go get it
10. You get up in the morning and go on line before getting your coffee
11. You start tilting your head sideways to smile :)
12. You're reading this and nodding and laughing
13. Even worse, you know exactly to whom you are going to pass this along to
14. You are too busy to notice there was no #9 on this list
15. You actually scrolled back up to check that there wasn't a #9 on this list


Monday, February 15, 2010

Reid Got Hitched!!

Reid Cox married Paul Green Saturday, February 13, 2010 at Holy Cross Episcopal Church on Sullivan's Island. It was an elegant yet simple wedding. It also happened to be the same service that my mom and dad were married to, April 1, 1978. The reception was held at Ion Creek Club house in Mt. Pleasant. Everything about it was perfect!! The ceremony was beautiful along with the wedding party and the reception was tons of fun with delicious food, a fabulous band, lots of dancing and great friends! Congratulations and best wishes to the Greens!! Thanks for sharing your special weekend with all of us!

Reid dancing with his princess, Reid

Reid, Tina, & Mary Carson

Daddy & Linda Dell

Lee & Lillie

The Coxs with their beautiful daughter.

Marydele & Me

Rita & Milton

Ann & her girls

My favorite twins, Leigh & Lillie

dancing with Mama Dell...

Happy Valentine's Day

from our little 9 month old heart breaker!!
(I can't believe he's already nine months old!!)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Need a laugh?

I couldn't resist posting this. I found it on one of the blogs I was reading today.

Random thoughts of the day:

  • I wish Google Maps had an “avoid ghetto” routing option.
  • More often than not, when someone is telling me a story all I can think about is that I can’t wait for them to finish so that I can tell my own story that’s not only better, but also more directly involves me.
  • Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong.
  • I totally take back all those times I didn’t want to nap when I was younger.
    The letters t and g are very close to each other on a keyboard. This recently became all too apparent to me and consequently I will never be ending a work email with the phrase “regards” again.
  • Do you remember when you were a kid; playing Nintendo and it wouldn’t work? You took the cartridge out, blow in it and that would magically fix the problem. Every kid in America did that, but how did we all know how to fix the problem? There were no internet or message boards or FAQ’s. We just figured it out. Today’s kids are soft.
  • There is a great need for sarcasm font.
  • Sometimes, I’ll watch a movie that I watched when I was younger and suddenly realize I had no idea what the heck was going on when I first saw it.
  • I would rather try to carry 10 plastic grocery bags in each hand than take 2 trips to bring my groceries in.
  • Was learning cursive really necessary?
  • LOL has gone from meaning “laugh out loud” to I have nothing else to say.
  • I have a hard time deciphering the fine line between boredom and hunger.
  • Whenever someone says “I’m not book smart, but I’m street smart” all I hear is “I’m not real smart, but I’m imaginary smart”
  • How many times is it appropriate to say “what?” before you just nod and smile because you still didn’t hear what they said?
  • I love the sense of camaraderie when an entire line of cares teams up to prevent an aggressive driver from cutting in at the front. Stay strong, brothers!
  • MapQuest really needs to start their direction on #5. Pretty sure I know how to out of my neighborhood.
  • Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person died.
  • I find it hard to believe there are actually people who get in the shower first and then turn on the water.
  • I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t at least kind of tired.
  • Whenever I’m Facebook stalking someone and I find out their profile is public I feel like a kid on Christmas morning that just got the Red Ryder BB gun that I always wanted. 546 pictures? Don’t mind if I do.
  • Is it just me or do high school girls get sluttier and sluttier every year?
  • Why is it that during an ice-breaker, when the whole room has to go around and say their name and where they are from, I get so incredibly nervous? Like I know my name, I know where I’m from; this shouldn’t be a problem…
  • You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you’ve made up your mind that you just aren’t doing anything productive the rest of the day.
  • Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after DVDs? I don’t want to restart my collection.
  • There’s no worse feeling than that millisecond you’re sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far.
  • I’m always slightly terrified when I exit out of word and it asks me to if I want to save any changes to my 10 page research paper that I swear I did not make any changes to.
  • When I meet a new person, I’m terrified of mentioning something they haven’t already told me but that I have learned from some slight internet stalking.
  • I like all the music on my iTunes, except when it’s on shuffle, then I like about one in every fifteen songs in my iTunes.
  • Sometimes I’ll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still not know what time it is.
  • It should probably be called unplanned parenthood.
  • Even if I knew your social security number, I wouldn’t know what to do with it.
  • I wonder if cops ever get annoyed at the fact that everyone they drive behind obeys the speed limit.
  • I think the freezer deserves a light as well.


I find myself clicking on one blog then to another and so on... I wanted to share some of the ones that I've discovered and find myself reading daily!!
*This is Elizabeth Franklin's blog. She's the reason I started a blog. I wanted to have something to show Adam when he was old enough. Elizabeth does the same for her precious Brock!!
*This is a blog that I started following because I kept seeing "Pray for Stellan" on Elizabeth's blog. As I read her story, I fell in love with this family. I have no clue who they are and they do not know me... MckMama keeps an amazing blog about her family, photography, and life!!
*I started reading this one today. Her cakes and cookies look amazing and really makes me want to bake. Although I swore I would never bake another cake from scratch. EVER. AGAIN. but this chick makes it look so fun!!
*And this is also by the baker. She's another great blogger like MckMama.

I hope that one day I can make my blog look as good as theirs. I just have no clue how to do the things they do. I can post pictures and stories but that's about as good as it gets...