Friday, May 29, 2009

White Wedding...

This is a big weekend for two of my friends...

Dabs Maness is getting married to Blake Davis tomorrow!! I am so happy for the two of them!! I have been friends with both of them since high school... I remember when they first started dating... wow, that's been awhile!! I hate that I can't be in two places at one time but that's life... We will all have to get together once you get back from Jamaica since I live so close now!! =)

Amy McClary is marrying Pat McGuken tomorrow as well... I am going to Charleston for the weekend to join them in their special day. Amy was/is my big sister in ZTA. (I was there when she met Pat in Key West) She has always been a dear friend to me even though she moved to Florida... I'm so proud of her! She has planned a wedding AND is in Law School!! (I know I couldn't do that) Tonight they are having a party at Southend Brewery. My friend Todd has agreed to go be my "escort" for the weekend... haha! (no dirty thoughts please!) We are going to be a little late to the party but we aren't going to miss it!! Then tomorrow the wedding is at 6 downtown followed by the reception at Hibernia Hall. I can't wait to see her walk down the isle. I know she is going to be a beautiful bride!!

Good luck to both couples!! I wish you all the very best and a lifetime of happiness together!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009



Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sweet Caroline...

Caroline & me at Litchfield! I never thought we would be as close as we have become. We definitely have had a roller coaster of ups and downs together in our lives but I'm glad we've been there because if we hadn't, we may not have ended up this close!! She is one of my best friends now!! We've been going to Litchfield as a family for 22 years now and the older we get, the more fun we have together!! I love my sister so much and am so proud of the mama she's become! I am so thankful to have her in my life and now I can drive 5 minutes everyday and see her!! I love you Caroline!!


Happy Memorial Day
Thank you to all of our soldiers who have/are fighting for our country!

Litchfield By the Sea

This past week, the McElveens' had their week at Litchfield. Mary Talbert, Wills, Bo and Caroline all enjoyed the week their then the rest of the family joined for the weekend. It was so much fun having almost all of our family at the house. We missed having my daddy and Lee. Bo also left early so I didn't get to see him =(. We haven't had any recent pictures taken of the grand kids so we figured while we had our personal photographer vacationing with us, we decided to take advantage and get a few shots on the beach. I thought they turned out really well. I really hate that Bo wasn't there with us to be in the pictures.

Wills came down from Virginia. He was joined by his friend Buck for a couple of days. Wills will be in South Carolina for the week before he heads back up to Virginia for the summer. I can't believe he will be a SENIOR next year!!

Mary Talbert came from Columbia. She brought her friend Brittney with her for the week. Brittney left on Friday. Bosie brought Maggie and Dana on Friday for the weekend. Mary Talbert will be working this summer in Columbia and Maggie will be busy getting ready for high school! Mary Talbert will be a JUNIOR next year at USC! I can't believe how fast these girls are growing up!!

Bo came with Alex from Spartanburg for the week. They both will be in Spartanburg for the summer living at the Joyners and working. I hope this means I will get to see him lots! Bo will be a JUNIOR next year at Wofford!! Time is FLYING by...

Caroline and Brian are busy with their new bundle of joy, Adam. Adam got to experience his first Litchfield trip at 15 days old. He seemed to really enjoy it!! He got to hang out with a lot of his family and barely had time to cry because someone was there to pick him up immediately!! (we know it's bad but how can you resist??) Caroline, Brian, Adam, and I shared a room. It wasn't too bad... by the last night I was ready to have my own room though!! Adam has been gassy so he's been a little fussy... poor baby!! Caroline has to go back to work on June 16 and is not looking forward to it!! Brian continues to book photo shoots and has a big wedding to shoot on June 6. If you need a photographer, give him a call!! He has also started taking classes to help with the job hunt. Adam will be staying between grandmom's and daddy while mama goes back to work. We hope to get him into Laurens Elementary Day Care eventually.

Most of you already know what my summer looks like. I started at the Palmetto Bank today. It was mostly a bunch of paper work, training videos, training manuals, and meeting people in the Corporate Center. Tomorrow I report to the branch on Church Street. I was told today that I would most likely be at that branch for a couple of weeks then go back to the Corporate Center for actual teller training before I go to Spartan Center. I have heard some really nice things about the people that I am going to be working with and I am really looking forward to this new chapter in life. This summer is going to be crazy living at home and working in Spartanburg. (...and BUY A CAR!!) I hope that I can eventually get my things organized. Poor mama and daddy!! I have things all over the house!! I promise I will try to get my things neatly organized... somewhere!! I plan to save some money this summer and eventually end up living in Greenville!! (that's the plan!)

Adam meets his second cousins



Mary Talbert


Friday, May 22, 2009

Today's the Day!

Today is officially my last day living in Charleston!!

I am a little P.O'ed at NBSC right now! I got to work this morning for my last day and couldn't sign in. Apparently someone had all of my information revoked. My manager took the day off today so that leaves Pam, Billy, and me here until 6!! I can't do a damn thing though... they took away my e-mail, my teller program, my Internet access, EVERYTHING!! I can't leave though because there "has to be" three people in the branch... (there were only 2 when I got robbed though...) UGH! What a great way to end things!?!?! At least I get to spend the day with two of my favorites and I got to see our favorite customer, right Pam?!!!

Goodbye NBSC!

On a better note, I get to go to LITCHFIELD for Memorial Day weekend!! I am so excited!! We are going to have a full house!! Caroline, Brian, Adam, Mary Talbert, Wills and two friends are there already. Tonight, mama, Barbara, Tom, Watson, Bosie, Maggie, and I will join them!! Caroline said it was finally pretty down there! I hope it stays that way because my white tail needs some color!! I look forward to this weekend a lot. My family always has a good time together!! I wish Daddy was coming and I wish that Bo was staying!! We'll miss them!

(if you're wondering how I'm writing a blog at work without Internet... Pam is letting me borrow her computer for a sec).

Have a safe Memorial Day weekend!!

Peace out Charleston! for now...

Thursday, May 21, 2009


A joke per Adam (my friend, not nephew):

An Irishman had been drinking at a pub all night. The bartender finally said that the bar was closing so the Irishman stood up to leave - but fell flat on his face. He tried to stand one more time; same result. He figured he'd crawl outside and get some fresh air and maybe that would sober him up.

Once outside, he stood up and fell on his face again. So he decided to crawl the four blocks home. Again, he fell flat on his face. He crawled through the door and into his bedroom. When he reached his bed he tried one more time to stand up. This time he managed to pull himself upright, but he quickly fell right into the bed and was sound asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

He was awakened the next morning to his wife standing over him, shouting, "SO YOU'VE BEEN DRINKING AGAIN!"

Putting on an innocent look, and intent on bluffing it out he said, "What makes you say that?"

"The pub just called; you left your wheelchair there again."

May 21, 2009

happy birthday LESLIE! i hope you have a great one and i am going to miss you so much!! i love you girl!

Mama- I'm sorry you don't feel good. I really hope that it's a 24 hour thing so that we can have a great weekend together at the beach!! I can't wait to see you!! I love you!!

Jean- Can't wait for our dinner date tonight! I'm going to miss you so much!! I know we will keep in touch!! Thanks for being such a great friend!! Love you!

Go KrIs AlLeN! 2009 American Idol!! I'm glad the underdog won!!

I get to get my hair cut today!! SO EXCITING! I love getting my hair cut!! And I love visiting with Turner!

3 down, 2 to go

YAY! I only have today and tomorrow left. I guess you could say that it is bittersweet. I am going to miss Charleston and some of her qualities!! I never thought I would be so excited to move back home. A lot of people have questioned this decision...

  • WHY leave Charleston?

  • WHY quit a job in this economy?

  • WHY move back to po-dunk Laurens?

  • WHY? WHY? WHY?


  • BECAUSE I've been in Charleston for SIX years! I'm ready for some change in my life!

  • BECAUSE I got a new job!

  • BECAUSE I miss my family! I miss the country!! I miss the friendly people!!


THAT'S MY STORY and I'm sticking to it:

I will always have a place in my heart for Charleston. I came here because it was in my blood. My mom went to College of Charleston, my dad went to the Citadel... They fell in love and had me! (after Caroline)... I wanted to move to this beautiful town with all of her history, her beaches, and because it was only 2.5 hours away from home!! I started College of Charleston in 2003. I had no clue what I wanted to do... well, I take that back. I knew I wanted to be a nurse but I wasn't really dead set on that (obviously). I ended up declaring my major, Communication (Corporate, to be exact). It took 4.5 years to finally graduated. During my 4.5 years, I joined a sorority, met new friends, hung out with old ones, and had a damn good time doing it all!! Once I graduated, I had to jump into the "real world" not knowing what the hell to expect!! I thought it would be easy as pie to find a good job that I loved... HAH. WRONG! I finally called a good friend, JP, who told me that he'd try to help me get into the banking world... never thought about doing banking!! BUT it worked! Got my first "big girl job" in January 2008 with NBSC as a teller at the downtown branch. I loved working downtown. I love the customers downtown. I love the employees downtown!! I asked if I could move up to become a personal banker so I was sent to training... being in this great economy, NBSC had a hiring freeze so no personal banking positions were open for me to fill. (go figure). NBSC had plans to build a branch on James Island... I was offered the head teller position. I took it even though that was a further drive for me in the mornings. I have met some really great people working over on James Island. I'm glad I took the opportunity!! The end of last year and the beginning of this year has been pretty tough for me. I won't get into all of the details but needless to say, It's time for a change (heart breaks, robberies, wrecks, etc.)!! As of May 26, I start my new job with the Palmetto Bank. I am really excited to work for the company. (Yes, I did try to transfer within the bank but once again, that hiring freeze got me!) My family has been banking with Palmetto for many, many years. It's a great small town bank where everyone knows your name!! I wanted to get a job in Greenville but the only opening position they had was for the Spartanburg area. I was offered the job the end of April. I wanted to make sure I took my vacation before I left NBSC because I knew that I wouldn't have another one until next year. So I took my week the week Adam was born. I'm so glad that I did that!! I got to spend everyday with my family and our newest addition, Adam. I got to be with my dad on his birthday too!! I wanted to be polite and do the right thing so I came back to Charleston on Mother's Day to work my final two weeks. It has been killing me being back. I feel like I'm missing out on so much even though it's only two weeks!! Caroline and Brian were sweet enough to stop through Charleston on their way to Litchfield yesterday so that I could see Adam and so that my work folks could meet my pride and joy!! They made it to the beach safely last night. I really hope the weather holds up for them and for the rest of us that are joining them this weekend. We are going to have a full house, but that's how we like it!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Meet Adam's First Friend, Will

Adam met his first friend this week. This is (Georgenne's grand baby, Laura's baby) Will Long.

Aren't they adorable!?!?! Will and Adam are about the same in weight but Will was born over a month ago!!

SpLiSh SpLaSh AdAm'S fIrSt BaTh!!

Adam's belly button thingy finally fell out so he got to enjoy his first "real" bath last night!! Mama and Daddy said he enjoyed it, until the water got chilly. =)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

baby ears can hear!

Yesterday, Adam had his hearing checked...


that's all... for now.


Check out this forecast!! YUCK!! I guess God is keeping me from questioning why I'm leaving this "fabulous" city... Usually the weather (sunny & 80) is what makes us want to be here! hahah... not so much!

TodayMay 19
PM Showers / Wind

WedMay 20
Few Showers / Wind

ThuMay 21
Showers / Wind

FriMay 22
Scattered T-Storms

Monday, May 18, 2009

I definitely have a "case of the Mondays!"

Today starts my last week in Charleston and at NBSC. Can't say that I'm not EXCITED because I definitely am!! I am definitely going to miss a lot of people and things around these places though!! BUT I guess it will be that much better when I come back and visit!! I won't stay gone for long...

The weather here SUCKS! It's chilly, rainy, and windy!! I think it's supposed to continue this CRUD until NEXT week... UGHHHHH!

On a lighter note...

I just realized I haven't posted any new pictures of my nephew lately. I guess that's partially because I'm not there and because Caroline was in the hospital last week. We've all been slack on the pictures. Brian e-mailed me a couple though so here ya go...

Today he's 13 days old... Time's FLYING (and I don't like it!!)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

YoU fInD oUt WhO yOuR fRiEnDs ArE!

Here are some (not all) of the people who have made me, ME...
Thank you for being a friend!!

"Run your car off the side of the road
Get stuck in a ditch way out in the middle of nowhere
Or get yourself in a bind lose the shirt off your back
Need a floor, need a couch, need a bus fare
This is where the rubber meets the road
This is where the cream is gonna rise
This is what you really didn't know
This is where the truth don't lie
{Chorus}You find out who your friends are
Somebody's gonna drop everything
Run out and crank up their car
Hit the gas, get there fast
Never stop to think 'what's in it for me?' or 'it's way too far'
They just show on up with their big old heart
You find out who your friends are
Everybody wants to slap your back
wants to shake your hand
when you're up on top of that mountain
But let one of those rocks give way
then you slide back down look up and see who's around then
This ain't where the road comes to an end
This ain't where the bandwagon stops
This is just one of those times when
A lot of folks jump off
When the water's high
When the weather's not so fair
When the well runs dry
Who's gonna be there?
You find out who your friends are(yeah, yeah)
You find out who your friends are
Run your car off the side of the road
Get stuck in a ditch way out in the middle of nowhere
(Well man, I've been there)
Or get yourself in a bind lose the shirt off your back
Need a floor, need a couch, need a bus fare
(Man, I've been there)
Man, I've been there
Oooh yeah."
- You find out who your friends are- Tracy Lawrence

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Tilton's

Annie and Jordan moved to Charleston from Ohio in 2005. Annie got a job at the One Eyed Parrot right before I did. She was the little, shy yankee that we all fell in love with. Jordan at the time was her college sweetie and wanted to come to Charleston to pursue a career. Even though things haven't quite turned out as planned, they have come along way!! Jordan proposed to Annie and they married in Ohio December 29, 2007. I was lucky enough to be invited and attend. It was beautiful. They truly are meant for each other. They love each other so much and I am so happy for both of them. They bought their first house last year in Mt. Pleasant. Now they are expecting their first child!! I am so thankful that I met both of them. They are two of my very best friends. We have had some awesome times together and I am going to miss them terribly. They have been thoughtful enough to let me stay at their house while I'm in the process of moving.
Annie and Jordan, thank you so much for being there for me during the good times and the bad! I am going to miss you both so much!! I know that we will remain the best of friends no matter where life takes us. Baby Tilton is so lucky to have such great parents! I can't wait to meet him/her!! Good luck with everything!! Finally things are turning around for all of us and it's going to be OK. I love y'all!

Saturday Night


Caroline seems to be doing much better! I talked to her this evening and she was hanging out with her family. Kaitlyn is in town this weekend and was busy playing with her baby doll. =) Brian was holding Adam. Adam was sucking his fingers like I used to do. Caroline was playing on the computer... Seems much better!! I am so thankful they are home together!! I can't wait to see them next week!! They may even stop through Charleston on Wednesday so that Pam can meet Adam!! (and so I can see him!!)

Tonight I took Annie on a date. We went to see Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. It was definitely a chick flick but anything with Matthew McConaughey in it is definitely worth seeing!! Damn, movies are expensive though!! It costs us $15 to get in... (whoops, I said we were students!! haha, Annie was worried because of her belly... hell, there are 15 year olds pregnant these days...) Then I really wanted a fountain coke... that was $5 for a SMALL!! Before long, I'm going to have to give up going to the movies!! After the movies, we went to Bambu. So yummy!! (I wanted to eat Sushi again before I left) Now, we are hanging out watching TV movies until we have to go get her mama from the airport...

Hope you are having a great Saturday night!!

Going Away Party

Last night, a group of work friends and college friends went out to have some farewell cocktails at this great, new bar on James Island... O'Brions. If you haven't been, check it out. The guys who own it, started O'Brions in Ion a couple of years ago. They just recently opened the one on James Island. It's a great Irish pub/Sports Bar. The guys who own it are super nice!!

Jackie & Pam
Jackie, it's been a blast getting to know you! You are too cute and I am going to miss you!! I hope that I'll get to see you again really soon! Good luck with all of your NC plans!!
Pam, I can never thank you enough for all of your love and support! You are seriously like my second mama. I am going to miss you SO much! I hope that you and Rusty end up on Lake Greenwood. I know that we will always keep in touch! I love you!

Christine & Jane
Thank you both so much for helping me become a head teller!! I am going to miss you both very much!! Keep West Ashley & Downtown in shape!! Hang in there!! I wish you both the best of luck!
I am going to miss you so much! You are such a sweetheart!! I have missed being away from you when I went to James Island. I know that you and I will keep in touch!! Love you!

Elizabeth, Marydele, Marianne, & Nancy
Thank you all for coming by last night. It really meant a lot to see all of you there! I know that we will always keep in touch!! (obviously since we've been together since we were 5) Nancy- good luck in Louisiana. I am so happy for you and I know that you are going be a wonderful inspiration to those children!!
(sorry this picture is blurry!!)

Billy & Renee
Billy, you have been so much fun to work with! I am going to miss our chats about life and what we would do for certain amounts of money. "Oh you want a Mt. Pleasant Roll"... stay away from the chicken flavored dog treats!! I'm going to miss you Billy man!! WHAT?!? Renee, it has been great getting to know you! I know that you and Billy are a great match!! You have to keep him in line... don't let him get to crazy!! Keep in touch, both of you!!

I can never thank you enough for all you do for me and our family. I am going to miss seeing you all the time!! I love you!!

Adam & Erica

Thank you so much for coming last night! Adam, I have had so much fun getting to know you!! I can't believe how it used to be and how it is now. You used to be our bartender at ACME late nights after the Parrot, then you moved! Then you came back and we've become such good friends. I am going to miss you lots!! You better keep in touch!! Thanks for being such a great friend!!

Erica, I am SO glad you came last night. I mean, it had been way too long!! Crazy how our friendship got started... all of those stupid-a$$ classes we had to take... then our "study dates" at Ben's with Bell going nuts!! hahaha... please keep in touch!! I am going to miss you!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

My SiSsY

Caroline just called me! Said she was waiting to be wheeled out while Brian went to get the car. She is so happy to go home to her baby!! I'm so relieved they finally are letting her go home!!

She confirmed that she's got an appointment in Greenville with her cardiologist Wednesday and then they are heading to the beach to relax!! Boy the need it and deserve it!! (I wish I would have scheduled my last day on Wednesday... too late, damnit!)

Keep the prayers coming because this is going to a long road ahead of her but she's a strong person and she can do it!! She was joking with me early about her "Large Heart." I said that's true, you definitely have a LARGE HEART!! We get it honestly!!

Thank you to my mama and my daddy!! They are the best support system and Caroline and I would be totally lost without them both!! You two have done an excellent job raising us!! We can never thank you enough for all you do for us!! WE LOVE YOU BOTH!!

Thank you to my Godparents, Susie and Smith! They have been so helpful and supportive through all of this "crud" we've been going through this week!! Babysitting, Dinner, Wine, and putting together Adam's bouncy seat are just a few of the many things they've done for the family!! WE LOVE YOU BOTH!!

i REALLY like this song!!

I really like this song!! I think it's because I can REALLY relate to it!! Especially the bolded part of it. Think what you will... This is how I feel =)

Kellie Pickler: The Best Days of Your Life
'Cos I'll be there, in the back of your mind
From the day we met 'til you were making me cry
And it's just too bad, you're already had the best days
The best days of your life
Ain't it a shame?
A shame that every time you hear my name
Brought up in a casual conversation
You can't think straight
And ain't it sad?
You can forget about what we had
Take a look at her and do you like what you see?
Or do you wish it was me
'Cos I'll be there, in the back of your mind
From the day we met to the very last night
And it's just too bad, you've already had the best days
The best days of you life
And does she know?Know about the times you used to hold me
Wrapped me in your arms and how you told me I'm the only one
I heard about Yeah, someone told me once, when you were out
She went a little crazy ran her mouth about me
Ain't jealousy funny?
with me was a fairytale love
I was head-over-heals 'til you threw away "us"
And it's just too bad you've already had the best days
The best days of your life
I heard you're gonna get married
Have a nice little family
Live out my dreams with someone new
But, I've been told that a cheater Is always a cheater
I've got my pride, and she's got you...
'Cos I'll be there, in the back of your mind
From the day we met 'til you were making me cry
And it's just too bad, you've already had the best days
The best days of your life...Of your life
Oh, oh, yeah You're gonna think of me
You're gonna think of me in your life
Oh, oh, yeah It's a shame, it's a shame...


I'm so glad it's finally Friday!! It's been a long week!!

Last night I went over to Meg's house. I had such a good time visiting with the old parrot girls (Meg, Jen, Curry, Eli, and Shana). We missed Nancy, Marianne, Katie, and Annie though. It's crazy how there are 2 mom's and 1 expecting mom in the group now!

  • Curry has a beautiful baby girl, Grayson. She is the cutest baby with a full head of red hair.
  • Meg has Sagan who is a bundle of excitement. He was so cute last night and very intrigued by my beer... =)
  • Little Annie is our expecting mama!! She's due to have baby Tilton in September!!
  • Eli just graduated... Congrats to her!!
  • Nancy just accepted a job in New Orleans!
  • Marianne starts nursing school in 2010!!
  • Katie's had some serious back surgeries but is doing well!!
  • Jen's back on the island driving the boys crazy... or just getting them drunk @ ACME =)
  • Shana's looking to do a big job change-a-roo!!
  • AND I'm moving back home!

I feel like I'm forgetting someone... I'm sorry if I did!!

I think I got wind that Damon & Jen are expecting twins, Ben's at the Windjammer, Steve's still 'owning' his store, Chad opened FINZ, & Eric is at Brewer's Bistro... that's all I know about the guys!

Man o man, how things have changed since the One Eyed Parrot closed its doors December 07!! I hope that we all continue to keep in touch!! Good luck to all of you!

She's Going Home to her Baby

YAY! Good News (for once)!! Caroline just called me and said that she was waiting on her papers then Brian was taking her home!! She said that all she wants to do is lie in her bed with her baby!! She's not up for company right now...

She said she's already lost 25lbs of fluid. The doctors told her to LIMIT her salt intake and liquids. She's definitely going to have to change her diet completely to keep her healthy!!

She has to take Adam to Greenville Monday for his hearing test, Tuesday to the pediatrician for his first appointment, and Wednesday she'll probably have to see her cardiologist before heading to the beach.

That's all for now...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Farewell, Goodbye, Adios, Peace, So long...

  • tired of the BS that goes on here
  • tired of the unhappy work environment
  • tired of people being sketchy
  • tired of mosquitoes
  • tired of the muggy humidity
  • tired of cars, not having mine
  • tired of living out of a suitcase
  • tired of worrying about life
  • tired of worrying about money
  • tired of not seeing my family
  • tired of not seeing my new nephew

Ok, I'm sorry. I just wanted to vent. All better now! Hope you are having a fantastic day!

My upcoming schedule:

  1. Going Away Party: Friday, May 15 @ O'Brions
  2. Last day at NBSC: Friday, May 22
  3. Litchfield: May 22-25
  4. Memorial Day: May 25
  5. New Job: May 26
  6. Amy & Pats Wedding, Blake & Dabs Wedding, Annie's Shower: May 30

**Even though I'm ready to move, I am going to miss some really important people!! I guess I'll have to write about them next week!! Don't want to get all sad just yet!! **

**For now, I want to give a shout out to my buddy Adam (not my nephew). Adam, everything will be ok! Don't stress out!! You're special, you made the blog =) haha**

Today's Report on Caroline

Caroline called me a few minutes ago. She seemed better today. She said last night she was in shock! They gave her blood pressure medicine and beta log(??). They are keeping her another day to monitor her blood pressure and heart. Mama and Susie are on their way to take sweet Adam to see his mama. Brian even said he can't stand being away from Adam... he's used to waking up to his little cries! Caroline got more upsetting news that broke her heart (and mine). She most likely will not be having any more children. I guess this means that Adam will be that much more spoiled!! =) At least we have Kaitlyn too!! If I get any more news, I'll post later!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Caroline's SWEET nurse, Ashley

Caroline had the sweetest nurse when she was in labor. Her name is Ashley Adams. I am so thankful that Caroline had such a caring person taking care of her! Ashley was so cute! She was dying to know how much Adam was going to weigh because she left before he was born. We contacted each other on facebook and have kept in touch over the past week. She is so caring that she just gave me her cell phone number to give to Caroline in case she had any questions. Ashley will be off the next few days but told me to relay the message! She also gave me a link to give to Caroline to help her understand what she is going through and to read similar stories. I wish there were more caring people out there like Ashley.

Ashley-Thank you so much!! You are excellent at your job!!

... and did I mention she was a ZTA =). That just makes her that much cooler!

Here's the link:

I don't know where I'd be without them...

Caroline & Brian's wedding
March 17, 2007
My sister, (baby Adam), & me
Thanksgiving 2008

McElveen Clan Thanksgiving 2008

Sweet Caroline

OK, the doctors FINALLY came in Caroline's room in the ER. (it only took NINE HOURS!!!!) :

  • Caroline has Postpartum Cardiomyopathy. Since I have no clue what this is except for it happens after pregnancy and deals with the heart, I had to google it...
  • Brian is by Caroline's side.
  • Adam is with his Grammie and ReRe (we still haven't decided on names)
  • Caroline is REALLY upset, not because of her health so much but because she's having to be away from her baby!! (breaks my heart!)
  • Mama and Susie are taking Adam to see her tomorrow!!
  • She said the doctor is working on getting her meds.
  • The left valve isn't pumping like it should be, it's very weak from pumping for her and Adam.
  • She'll probably be in the hospital for at least two more days...

This is ALL I know! It's seriously killing me being away from her right now. We have gotten to be so close the past few years and I can't stand being away from her when she needs me!! Thank God we have wonderful parents and she has a loving husband! As I have been asking, please keep Caroline, mama, daddy, Adam, Brian, and myself in your prayers!! I firmly believe everything happens for a reason but WHAT THE HELL IS THE REASON FOR ALL OF OUR BAD LUCK LATELY?? (pardon me... but seriously, what did we do??)

If you want to send her a card, her address is:

Caroline Parrish

106 McDowell Street

Laurens, SC 29360

Caroline update

I just got off the phone with mama. She's still at the hospital. I guess my Godmother never got her hands on Adam. Brian has been with him all day. They are STILL waiting on the doctor to come in but the nurse practitioner just talked with them. He said that it looks like heart failure. (I am kinda freaking out because, hello--- HEART FAILURE??!!??) BUT mom said that is a very BROAD term. Caroline has an enlarged heart. This could be caused from pregnancy. They don't know how long she's been like this. (I would have thought they would have noticed this months ago, but I'm not a doctor) Once the doctor comes in, Brian and mom will switch locations. Grammie keeps to keep her "peewee" tonight. I'm SO jealous. I hate it that I'm stuck here in Charleston. I wish I could be with my sister and her new baby!! Again, keep the prayers a-coming!! Please!!

Oh yeah, they have her on Lasix, which is a diuretic. The heart failure has been causing all of her swelling. If you didn't know this, Caroline's feet were really swollen her last few weeks and are still pretty swollen. Poor thing!! She had to borrow some of my flops when I was home because she normally has skinny feet, I'm the one with the fat feet!!


Mom just called me at work to let me know the latest:

  • Brian is on his way to the hospital (Greenville Memorial).
  • Dad has Adam and was going to take him the office... don't worry, he works with lots of females!
  • BUT my sweet Godmother said she was "ready to get her hands on Adam" so she's going to babysit until Mama gets there.
  • Caroline is scheduled for an ultra-sound at 11 so after I hear something, I'll post it!

**I think I'm slowly getting the hang of this blog thing... now I just wish I could make it prettier! IDEAS?

Keep 'em coming!

I talked to mama last night around 11 and she told me that the doctors ruled out pneumonia. So I was about to sleep a little better but still worried because they don't know what's wrong. Talked to Caroline on my way to work today and she said that she was "stressed to the max" and still didn't know what was wrong. She said the doctors were poking and prodding at her at 4am. Now she's waiting to have an ultra-sound...

Keep your prayers coming! We all need them!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Prayers Please!!

Today, mom informed me that Caroline was having chest pains. Caroline, Brian, and Adam went to Hillcrest Hospital to get it checked out. Brian called mama to come get Adam so he didn't have to be in the hospital. The doctor checked her out and said there is a possibility that she has pneumonia. POOR THING! Her doctors are in Greenville so they rode in the ambulance to Greenville Memorial. We still don't know anything at this time (10pm) but as soon as I do, I will let you know! I hate that I am in Charleston. I hate that I can't be with my family during times like these! This is why I am moving back. Please keep my family, and especially Caroline, Adam, and Brian in your prayers!! We all need them!! Thanks!

Adam, day 5

On day 4, my camera was resting... better yet, we were letting Adam's eyes rest from the flashes. Caroline, Brian, and Adam came home Friday, May 8. I stayed the night with them to help out. I wasn't very much help though! Adam woke up every two hours that night...

On day 5, which was Saturday, Brian decided he wanted to do a "photo shoot" of his new baby boy! Here's a preview of what's to come...

21.5 inches long!! (guess he's not taking after his 5'2" mama)

His grandaddy already bought him John Deere socks and boots!

Adam, day 3

Adam is wearing a little outfit that my cousins, Bo & Wills, used to wear. It's such a sweet little boy-dress-thing. I understand now why babies, boy or girl, wear dresses... much easier to change them!! At least this one has little sail boats on it!!

Adam in between the "bumper pads"

Adam, day 2

I just wanted to show how much a baby changes in DAYS! It's crazy. I can't stand the fact that I am away from him for TWO WEEKS!
Adam with his great-aunt Barbara

Cinco De Mayo

This year was probably the best Cinco De Mayo that I have ever celebrated! My sister (finally) had Richard Adam Parrish. Caroline was in labor for 14 hours before they finally did a section. Adam was born at 5:53 pm. He came out weighing 9lbs 4oz and 21.5in! He's definitely a big, healthy, happy baby!! He's absolutely beautiful!!

Getting Held Up...

So most people have already heard this story but I wanted to share it with everyone because it's about time this man gets caught!! On April 9, 2009, I was the victim of an armed robbery. This guy came into NBSC and demanded money. I was the "lucky teller" that he came up to, actually I was the only teller behind the line... but that's another story. He threw a HARDEE'S brown bag at me... (yes, a HARDEE's bag) and told me to fill it up. I thought it was a joke. Like every other American, I never thought this would happen to me. He then proceeded to show me his gun and told me that he wasn't playing. I was so nervous that I dropped the bag. On my way up, I tried to hit my alarm BUT he saw me and told me that I better not hit an alarm or he would "kill me b*tch!" (yes, he was a jerk). I said I'm not, I'm not!! He said, "hurry up and fill it up. Give me everything and don't you give me a dye pack or I'll come back in and shoot you!!" Of course with a gun being pointed at me, I didn't give him any "funny money"! So there's the story about that. Turns out, he's back in town. Yesterday he robbed a bank in Summerville. They still can't catch this man! He's wanted for 20 or more ARMED bank robberies in Florida, Alabama, and South Carolina. I wanted everyone to check out his picture so that maybe, someone, somewhere can help the FBI catch this S.O.B. (sorry about the language!)


Ok, I really want to create an amusing blog but I'm getting really FRUSTRATED with it. Today hasn't been a really good day. You know the kind of day where you feel that everything you touch turns to .... ? Well I'm definitely having one of those days. Please give me some tips on this blogging before I give it up all together... PlEaSe! thanks!