Sunday, December 13, 2009

we'll just say "see you soon"

Friday, December 18th, my best friends, Annie & Jordan, are moving to Panama City, Florida. They have been in Charleston the past four years. Annie and I worked together at the One Eyed Parrot (June 05-Dec 07) and have been friends ever since. I know that I moved away from them this past summer but it always eased my pain knowing that I could visit them often being only a 2.5 hour drive! I have pretty much kept true to my word and have visited almost every month since I moved. This move is going to be much harder on us... Panama is much further away and with the expenses of traveling, it's going to be really hard but I know that we'll do it. I know that these two are two of my best friends in the world and I know that we will remain just as close even though we'll be further away!! I wish them the very best of luck. I know these next 3 months are going to be hard as hell but I know that it's all for the very best!! (Jordan will be in New Mexico learning Spanish for the new job January & February and then in Georgia in March doing boat training. Annie & Izzie will be with her family in Cincinnati for the three months.) I will miss all of you SO much!! I love you Tilton Family!

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