Saturday, May 16, 2009

Going Away Party

Last night, a group of work friends and college friends went out to have some farewell cocktails at this great, new bar on James Island... O'Brions. If you haven't been, check it out. The guys who own it, started O'Brions in Ion a couple of years ago. They just recently opened the one on James Island. It's a great Irish pub/Sports Bar. The guys who own it are super nice!!

Jackie & Pam
Jackie, it's been a blast getting to know you! You are too cute and I am going to miss you!! I hope that I'll get to see you again really soon! Good luck with all of your NC plans!!
Pam, I can never thank you enough for all of your love and support! You are seriously like my second mama. I am going to miss you SO much! I hope that you and Rusty end up on Lake Greenwood. I know that we will always keep in touch! I love you!

Christine & Jane
Thank you both so much for helping me become a head teller!! I am going to miss you both very much!! Keep West Ashley & Downtown in shape!! Hang in there!! I wish you both the best of luck!
I am going to miss you so much! You are such a sweetheart!! I have missed being away from you when I went to James Island. I know that you and I will keep in touch!! Love you!

Elizabeth, Marydele, Marianne, & Nancy
Thank you all for coming by last night. It really meant a lot to see all of you there! I know that we will always keep in touch!! (obviously since we've been together since we were 5) Nancy- good luck in Louisiana. I am so happy for you and I know that you are going be a wonderful inspiration to those children!!
(sorry this picture is blurry!!)

Billy & Renee
Billy, you have been so much fun to work with! I am going to miss our chats about life and what we would do for certain amounts of money. "Oh you want a Mt. Pleasant Roll"... stay away from the chicken flavored dog treats!! I'm going to miss you Billy man!! WHAT?!? Renee, it has been great getting to know you! I know that you and Billy are a great match!! You have to keep him in line... don't let him get to crazy!! Keep in touch, both of you!!

I can never thank you enough for all you do for me and our family. I am going to miss seeing you all the time!! I love you!!

Adam & Erica

Thank you so much for coming last night! Adam, I have had so much fun getting to know you!! I can't believe how it used to be and how it is now. You used to be our bartender at ACME late nights after the Parrot, then you moved! Then you came back and we've become such good friends. I am going to miss you lots!! You better keep in touch!! Thanks for being such a great friend!!

Erica, I am SO glad you came last night. I mean, it had been way too long!! Crazy how our friendship got started... all of those stupid-a$$ classes we had to take... then our "study dates" at Ben's with Bell going nuts!! hahaha... please keep in touch!! I am going to miss you!!

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